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中国应用生理学杂志 ›› 2020, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (1): 27-32.doi: 10.12047/j.cjap.5895.2020.006

• 研究论文 • 上一篇    下一篇


章凌凌1, 2, 黄鹏3, 吴雪萍1△, 金璐4, 李啸天5, 黎涌明1   

  1. 1. 上海体育学院体育教育训练学院, 上海200438;
    2. 上海财经大学体育教学部, 上海 200433;
    3. 上海市残疾人训练中心, 上海 200083;
    4. 复旦大学附属徐汇实验学校, 上海 200030;
    5. 中南大学体育教研部, 湖南 长沙 410083
  • 出版日期:2020-01-28 发布日期:2020-06-01
  • 基金资助:
    Tel: (021)51253152; E-mail: wuxueping@sus.edu.cn

The influence of two calculation methods on relative energy contribution of men’s wheelchair racing T54 events

ZHANG Ling-ling1,2, HUANG Peng3, WU Xue-ping1△, JIN Lu4, LI Xiao-tian5 , LI Yong-ming1   

  1. 1. School of Physical Education and Sport Training, Shanghai University of Sport, Shanghai 200438;
    2. Department of Physical Education, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, Shanghai 200433;
    3. Shanghai Disabled Persons’ Sport Training Center, Shanghai 200083;
    4. Xuhui Experimental School Affiliated to Fudan University, Shanghai 200030;
    5. Central South University, Changsha 410083, China
  • Online:2020-01-28 Published:2020-06-01

摘要: 目的:比较不同计算方法对男子轮椅竞速T54级比赛项目能量供应产生的影响。方法: 招募高水平轮椅竞速运动员10人(年龄(22.9±5.2) 岁、坐高(90.9±3.2) cm、体重(59.3±8.3) kg)自愿参加本研究。所有受试者完成1次递增负荷测试和4次模拟比赛测试(400 m、800 m、1 500 m、5 000 m)。测试全程使用气体代谢仪、心率带和血乳酸分析仪对每次呼吸的VO2、心率和血乳酸变化进行分析,运用MAOD 和 PCr-La-O2计算方法对受试者的能量供应进行计算。结果: MAOD计算得出的无氧供能和总能量供应量低于PCr-La-O2方法(特别是在400 m项目中,两种方法计算的总供能(50.8±12.7) KJ vs (65.2±13.5) KJ、无氧供能(31.0±9.0) KJ vs (45.4±11.4) KJ,P<0.05),造成MAOD计算得出的有氧供能比例普遍高于PCr-La-O2方法(特别是在400 m项目中,有氧39.0%±1.2% vs 30.4%±8.4%,P<0.05)。结论:二种方法计算得出的有氧供能比例有显著差异,MAOD计算结果高于PCr-La-O2的计算结果。建议在进行长期科研攻关的纵向研究中(例如4年为周期的奥运会)采用同一种计算方法进行诊断和监控,以避免计算方法的不同造成结果上的差异,进而影响教练员训练计划的制定和实施效果。

关键词: 轮椅竞速, 能量供应, 计算方法, 高估

Abstract: Objective:To study whether the two methods of energy calculation affects the value of relative energy contribution in men’s T54 wheelchair racing events. Methods: Ten men’s T54 wheelchair racers (age (22.9±5.2) yrs、sitting height (90.9±3.2) cm、body mass (59.3±8.3) kg) participate in 1 incremental test and 4 time trials (400 m、800 m、1 500 m、5 000 m). A portable gas analyzer, polar heart rate belt and a blood lactate analyzer were used to measure VO2 at every breath, HR and blood lactate changes. The energetic contribution was measured with phosphocreatine-lactate-oxygen(PCr-La-O2) and maximal accumulated oxygen deficit(MAOD) methods.Results: The anaerobic and total energy portions from MAOD were lower than those from PCr-La-O2 ( especially in 400 m: WTOT (50.8 ±12.7) KJ vs (65.2±13.5) KJ、WANA (31.0±9.0) KJ vs (45.4±11.4) KJ, P<0.05), resulting in WAER% calculated by MAOD was generally higher than PCr-La-O2 method (especially in 400 m : WAER% 39.0% ±1.2% vs 30.4%±8.4 %,P<0.05).Conclusion: The study proves that the two-calculation method causes WAER% difference. MAOD method does lead to an overestimate of WAER%. Recommend to use the same calculation method for diagnosis and monitoring in the longitudinal study of long-term scientific research (such as the 4-year Olympic Games),to avoiding the difference in results caused by different calculation methods, which will further influence the development of coaches’ training plans and training implementation effect.

Key words: wheelchair racing, energy contribution, calculation method, overestimate

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