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CJAP ›› 2016, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (3): 284-288.doi: 10.13459/j.cnki.cjap.2016.03.026

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How to scientifically estimate sample size in physiological research

LIU Yi-song, GUO Chun-xue, HU Wan, LV Chen-long, HU Liang-ping   

  1. Consulting Center of Biomedical Statistics, Academy of Military Medical Sciences, Beijing 100850, China
  • Received:2015-06-15 Revised:2015-10-12 Online:2016-05-28 Published:2018-06-12
  • Contact: 胡良平,Tel:010-66932127;E-mail:lphu812@sina.com E-mail:lphu812@sina.com
  • Supported by:

Abstract: Objective:To bring about physiological researchers' attention of the importance of sample size estimation. Methods:The significance as well as the current problems of sample size estimation were illustrated and the commonly-used sample size estimation methods were introduced. Results:The basic concepts and necessary premises of sample size estimation were stated. The estimation processes and results under two different circumstances were elaborated in detail via examples. Conclusion:To attain the proper estimated sample sizes, the computation must satisfy the necessary premises which included the appropriate statistical analysis methods to be used.

Key words: physiological research, sample size estimation, two-sample parallel design, multiple comparisons

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