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解放军预防医学杂志  2016, Vol. 34 Issue (3): 382-384    
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彭晨, 吴明*
北京大学公共卫生学院社会医学与卫生事业管理学系, 北京 100191
Research and Analysis on Disability, Dementia and Long-Term Care among Chinese Elders
PENG Chen, WU Ming*
School of Public Health, Peking University Health Science Center, Beijing 100191, China
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摘要 目的 依照老年人的躯体功能和认知能力评定我国老年人的失能失智状况,了解其长期照护服务现状,旨在为我国建立长期照护保障制度提供依据。方法 采用中国老人健康长寿影响因素研究2011年跟踪调查数据,根据KATZ量表和MMSE量表对老年人失能失智现状进行评估,利用SPSS 19.0对相关数据进行描述性分析,同时分析失能失智老人长期照护现状。 结果 65~79岁、80~89岁、90~99岁和百岁以上老年人的失能率分别是5.5%、15.6%、34.1%和51.7%;失智率分别是4.8%、17.1%、36.3%、56.6%。结合2010年中国人口普查数据进行加权处理,我国城市地区男性老人失能率为10.5%,女性为11.2%;镇区男性老人失能率为7.5%,女性为8.1%;农村地区男性老人失能率为5.2%,女性为8.0%。城市地区男性老人失智率为7.4%,女性老人失智率7.1%;镇区男性老人失智率4.2%,女性为7.9%;农村地区男性老人失智率6.1%,女性为10.8%。随着老人失能或失智程度的加重,部分老人表示家庭成员提供的照护无法完全满足其需求,对于社会服务有需要,但是老年人作为低收入群体,支付能力有限,无力负担高昂的照护费用。结论 老年人中存在不同程度的失能或失智状况,在高龄老人中尤为多见。随着家庭照护能力的不断弱化,国家和政府层面构建更为完善的社会长期照护服务体系是非常有必要的。
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关键词 失能失智长期照护需求    
AbstractObjective To assess the status of disability and dementia among elders in China with their instrumental activities and cognitive ability and studied the current situation of the long-term care services that they received, in order to provide basis for developing a long-term care system in our country.Methods Using the Chinese Longitudinal Healthy Longevity Survey (CLHLS) as source data, KATZ Scale and MMSE Scale were adopted to assess the status of the disabled and demented elder populace. Descriptive analysis was performed by SPSS19.0 and the long-term care needs of the disabled and demented elders were analyzed. Results The disability rates of 65~79 years old, 80~89 years old, 90~99 years old, and above 100 years old elders were 5.5%, 15.6%, 34.1%, and 51.7% respectively, the dementia rates were 4.8%, 17.1%, 36.3%, and 56.6% respectively. After adding weights to the data using 2010 Chinese population census data, the results was calculated. In urban area, the disability rates of male and female elders was 10.5% and 11.2%; in sub-urban area, male 7.5% and female 8.1%; in rural area, male 5.2% and female 8.0%. In urban area, the dementia rates of male and female elders was 7.4% and 7.1%; in sub-urban area, male 4.2% and female 7.9%; in rural area, male 6.1% and female 10.8%. The family care could no longer be sufficient to meet the elders' needs with the continuous deepening of disability or dementia of the elder in some families. However, being in the low-income group, elders could not afford the high costs of care taking from social services.Conclusion It is not rare to see disability or dementia among elders, especially senior elders. With the continuous weakening of the family care, it is very crucial to build a better social long-term care system for the disabled and demented elders at state and government levels.
Key wordsdisabled    demented    long-term care    demand
     出版日期: 2016-08-30
彭晨, 吴明. 我国老年人失能失智及长期照护的现状[J]. 解放军预防医学杂志, 2016, 34(3): 382-384.
PENG Chen, WU Ming. Research and Analysis on Disability, Dementia and Long-Term Care among Chinese Elders. Journal of Preventive Medicine of Chinese People's Liberation Army, 2016, 34(3): 382-384.
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