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解放军预防医学杂志  2016, Vol. 34 Issue (5): 759-760    
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王玲勉, 郭英俊, 任爱玲, 赵成梅, 高晶
中部战区陆军部第二五一医院感染控制科, 河北张家口 075000
Analysis and Countermeasures for the Characteristics of Groups Infectious Diseases in winter of the Military Academy Recruits
WANG Lingmian, GUO Yingjun, REN Ailing, ZHAO Chengmei, GAO Jing
The infection control office in 251ST hospital of PLA, Zhangjiakou, Hebei, 075000,China
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摘要 目的 探讨北方部队院校新入学兵冬季群体性呼吸道传染病的发病特点,为开展卫生防病提供依据。方法 选择某部队院校新入学兵为监测对象,采用连续监测的方法,对新入学兵冬季呼吸道传染的发病情况进行统计分析,了解其变化规律。结果 对2012-2016年某部队院校新入学兵进行调查,共监测新入学兵7172人,出现发热、扁桃体炎等上呼吸道感染781例,占全部学兵的10.89%;其中出现肺部感染63例,占0.88%。经对2016年170例发热、扁桃体炎等上呼吸道感染的新入学兵进行病原学检测,有61例检测出致病病原体,占35.9%,其中乙型流感病毒42例,占68.85%;腺病毒感染9例,占14.75%;两种以上病毒混合感染7例,占11.48%;甲型流感病毒3例,占4.92%。结论 北方部队院校新入学兵有其特殊规律性,针对新入学兵的特点开展工作,加强健康教育与监测,密切部队与医院间的沟通与联络,主动上门服务,提早做好预防,是预防冬季呼吸道传染病的关键。
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关键词 部队院校 新入学兵 呼吸道传染病 卫生防病    
AbstractObjective To discuss the characteristics of infectious diseases of the respiratory tract in winter among groups of military academy recruits in order to facilitate disease prevention.Methods Recruits at a military academy were chosen as objects of continuous surveillance between 2012 and 2016. Statistical analysis was conducted of the incidence and pattern of infections of the respiratory tract among these recruits.Results A total of 7172 people were under surveillance. There were 781 cases of fever, tonsillitis and other upper respiratory tract infections , accounting for 10.89% of the total. There were 63 cases of lung infection, accounting for 0.88%. Etiological detection discovered 170 cases of fever, tonsillitis and other infections of the upper respiratory tract in 2016. Causative pathogens were detected in 61 cases, accounting for 35.9%, influenza B virus was detected in 42 cases, accounting for 68.85%, adenovirus infection was detected in 9 cases,accounting for 14.75%, mixed infection was detected in 7 cases,accounting for 11.48% and influenza virus was detected in 3 cases, accounting for 4.92%..Conclusion There is something special about military academy recruits in North China that deserves attention. Enhanced health education, active communication and precautions are the key to prevention of respiratory infections in winter.
Key wordsmilitary academy    recruits    respiratory diseases    health and disease
     出版日期: 2016-11-02
王玲勉, 郭英俊, 任爱玲, 赵成梅, 高晶. 某部队院校新入学兵冬季群体性呼吸道传染病特点分析及对策[J]. 解放军预防医学杂志, 2016, 34(5): 759-760.
WANG Lingmian, GUO Yingjun, REN Ailing, ZHAO Chengmei, GAO Jing. Analysis and Countermeasures for the Characteristics of Groups Infectious Diseases in winter of the Military Academy Recruits. Journal of Preventive Medicine of Chinese People's Liberation Army, 2016, 34(5): 759-760.
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