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解放军预防医学杂志  2016, Vol. 34 Issue (6): 806-808    
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郑 重, 张桂林*, 曾凡本, 孙 响, 刘 然, 刘晓明, 贾继民
新疆军区疾病预防控制中心, 乌鲁木齐 830011
Seroepidemiological Investigation on Human Infections with Tick-borne Encephalitis in Xinjiang
ZHENG Zhong, ZHANG Guilin, ZENG Fanben, SUN Xiang, LIU Ran, LIU Xiaoming, JIA Jimin
Center for Disease Control and Prevention of Xinjiang Military Command, Urumuqi 830011, China
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摘要 目的 调查新疆山地林区人群森林脑炎感染情况,为当地森林脑炎防控提供科学依据。方法 选择新疆北部山地林区5个不同的调查地区,采集林区人群血清,应用间接免疫荧光试验(IFA)方法,检测血清森林脑炎病毒IgG抗体。结果 共检测血清431份,阳性70份,阳性率16.24%;调查的5个地区中,阿拉套山南坡和天山北坡西段阳性率较高,分别为29.17%(21/72)和28.77%(21/73);其次为天山北坡中段,阳性率为14.86%(22/148);阿尔泰山南坡北段较低,阳性率为5.26%(6/114);阿尔泰山南坡中段未检出阳性血清。结论 森林脑炎感染人群为边防军人和当地的农牧民,其中20~39岁的青壮年男性感染风险最高。
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关键词 森林脑炎 血清学检测 间接免疫荧光试验 IgG    
AbstractObjective To investigate tick-borne encephalitis infections in Xinjiang so as toprovide reference for disease prevention and control.Methods IgG antibody from the serum of human subjects sampled in 5 high-risk areas was detected through indirect immuno-fluorescence.Results A total of 70 samples were found to be positive in 431 serum samples with a positive rate of 16.24%. The positive rate was 29.17% (21/72) for the south slope of Alatau Mountains, 28.77% (21/73) for the western range of the north slope of Tianshan Mountains, 14,68%(22/148) for the middle range of the north slope of Tianshan Mountains, and 5.26% (6/114) for the northern range of the south slope of Altai. Samples from the middle range of the south slope of Altai were all negative.Conclusion Frontier soldiers, farmers and herdsmen living in forests are at high risk of infection. The risk of infection with tick-borne encephalitis is the highest among males aged 20 to 39.
Key wordstick-borne encephalitis    serological detection    indirect immunofluorescence test    IgG
收稿日期: 2016-03-22      出版日期: 2017-01-05
郑 重, 张桂林, 曾凡本, 孙 响, 刘 然, 刘晓明, 贾继民. 新疆地区人群森林脑炎血清流行病学调查[J]. 解放军预防医学杂志, 2016, 34(6): 806-808.
ZHENG Zhong, ZHANG Guilin, ZENG Fanben, SUN Xiang, LIU Ran, LIU Xiaoming, JIA Jimin. Seroepidemiological Investigation on Human Infections with Tick-borne Encephalitis in Xinjiang. Journal of Preventive Medicine of Chinese People's Liberation Army, 2016, 34(6): 806-808.
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