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解放军预防医学杂志  2016, Vol. 34 Issue (5): 656-658    
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王秋慧, 薛克俭, 陈兴, 张和平, 张冬萍, 董媛媛, 王志中②*
解放军第四七四医院检验科, 乌鲁木齐 830013 ①69332部队卫生队②解放军第四七四医院中医康复科
Analysis of Laboratory Results of 21 Patients with Heat Stroke
WANG Qiuhui, XUE Kejian, CHEN Xing, ZHANG Heping, ZHANG Dongping, DONG Yuanyuan, WANG Zhizhong
Department of Clinical Laboratory, No.474 Hospital of PLA, Urumqi 830013, China
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摘要 目的 探讨实验室检查对热射病(HS)患者的诊断价值。方法 采用频数统计方法,对某院2015年7月10-30日急诊收治的21例(HS)的实验室检查结果进行分析。结果 21例HS患者存在电解质、心肌酶谱、凝血功能的异常;其中9例危急重患者降钙素原、B型脑钠肽明显异常,6例死亡。结论 热射病患者病死率较高,及时完善实验室相关检查可提高患者生存率及预后。
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关键词 热射病 电解质 心肌酶谱 凝血功能    
AbstractObjective To investigate the diagnostic value of laboratory examination in patients with heat stroke(HS). Methods The laboratory data of 21 emergency patients with HS hospitalized in No.474 Hospital between July 10 and July 30, 2015 were collected and analyzed by frequency statistics. Results There were different degrees of abnormality in related laboratory results, such as plasmic electrolytes, myocardial enzymes and coagulation function. Procalcitonin and BNP were significantly abnormal in 9 patients, and 6 patients died.Conclusion The fatality rate of HS is high,so timely and accurate laboratory examination may play an important role in improving survival rate and prognosis of the disease.
Key wordsheat stroke    electrolytes    myocardial enzyme    blood clotting function
     出版日期: 2016-11-02
王秋慧, 薛克俭, 陈兴, 张和平, 张冬萍, 董媛媛, 王志中. 21例热射病实验室检查结果分析[J]. 解放军预防医学杂志, 2016, 34(5): 656-658.
WANG Qiuhui, XUE Kejian, CHEN Xing, ZHANG Heping, ZHANG Dongping, DONG Yuanyuan, WANG Zhizhong. Analysis of Laboratory Results of 21 Patients with Heat Stroke. Journal of Preventive Medicine of Chinese People's Liberation Army, 2016, 34(5): 656-658.
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