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解放军预防医学杂志  2016, Vol. 34 Issue (6): 864-865    
  研究论著 本期目录 | 过刊浏览 | 高级检索 |
刘 靖, 王家悦, 王革生②*
北京中医药大学东方医院口腔科, 北京 100078
Investigation and Analysis of The Distribution Pathogenic Bacteria and Drug Resistance in Patients With Oral Infection
LIU Jing, WANG Jiayue, WANG Gesheng
Dongfang Hospital of Beijing University of Chinese Medicine,Beijing 100078,China
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摘要 目的 分析口腔感染患者病原菌分布及药敏情况,为临床合理用药提供参考。方法 选取口腔感染患者86例作为研究对象,收集口腔分泌物进行病原菌培养,并行药敏实验。结果 本组86例患者中,≤15岁、≥56岁口腔感染患者比例较高,分别占30.2%、40.7%。共检出病原菌351株,其中厌氧菌236株,占67.2%,其在厌氧菌中黑色素普氏菌比例最高(50.4%),其次为口腔链球菌(16.5%);需氧菌115株,占32.8%。对苯唑西林、头孢唑肟、庆大霉素、环丙沙星的耐药较高,分别为49.2%、46.6%、42.0%、40.2%;对万古霉素、四环素、头孢曲松的敏感性较高,分别为98.3%、95.8%、93.6%。结论 厌氧菌是口腔感染较为常见的菌种,可选用万古霉素、四环素、头孢曲松等敏感性高的药物治疗。
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关键词 口腔感染 病原菌培养 药敏实验 耐药性    
AbstractObjective To analyze the distribution of pathogenic bacteria and drug resistance in patients with oral infection, and to provide reference for clinical drug use.Methods 86 cases of patients with oral infection were selected as study objects. The oral secreta were collected for pathogenic bacteria culture and drug sensitivity test was performed.Results Among the 86 patients, the proportions of patients who were ≤ 15 years old or ≥ 56 years old were relatively higher, which were 40.7% and 30.2% respectively. A total of 351 strains of pathogenic bacteria were detected, of which there were 236 strains of anaerobic bacteria, accounting for 67.2%. The proportion of black pigmented Prevotella was the highest (50.4%), followed by oral streptococci (16.5%), and there were 115 strains of aerobic bacteria, accounting for 32.8%. The drug resistance to oxacillin, ceftizoxime, gentamicin and ciprofloxacin was relatively higher, which were 49.2%, 46.6%, 42.0% and 40.2% respectively. The sensitivities to vancomycin, tetracycline and ceftriaxone were relatively higher, which were 98.3%, 95.8% and 93.6% respectively.Conclusion Anaerobic bacteria are the more common bacteria of oral infections. High-sensitivity drugs such as vancomycin, tetracycline and ceftriaxone can be used for treatment.
Key wordsOral infection    Pathogenic bacteria culture    Drug sensitivity test    Drug resistance
收稿日期: 2016-05-26      出版日期: 2017-01-05
刘 靖, 王家悦, 王革生. 口腔感染的病原菌分布及药敏情况调查分析[J]. 解放军预防医学杂志, 2016, 34(6): 864-865.
LIU Jing, WANG Jiayue, WANG Gesheng. Investigation and Analysis of The Distribution Pathogenic Bacteria and Drug Resistance in Patients With Oral Infection. Journal of Preventive Medicine of Chinese People's Liberation Army, 2016, 34(6): 864-865.
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