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解放军预防医学杂志  2016, Vol. 34 Issue (6): 876-878    
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陈 亚, 王 剑, 倪亚莉, 张春花, 王文第, 王燕侠
甘肃省妇幼保健院, 兰州 730050
Correlation Between Pregnancy Complicated with Diseases and Small for Gestational Age Status
CHEN Ya, WANG Jian, NI Yali, ZHANG Chunhua, WANG Wendi, WANG Yanxia
Maternal and Child Health Care Hospital of Gansu Province, Lanzhou 730050,China
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摘要 目的 探讨孕母妊娠期合并疾病对小于胎龄儿(SGA)发生的影响。方法 选取某医院单胎活产SGA 284例,与本院同期出生的适于胎龄儿(AGA)2870例进行病例对照分析,采用单因素和多因素非条件Logistic回归模型分析两组孕母妊娠期合并疾病与SGA发生的相关性。结果 妊娠高血压(OR=5.04, 95%CI:3.35~7.60)、脐带异常(OR=2.97, 95%CI:1.79~5.00)及胎盘异常(OR=2.99,95%CI:1.46~6.14)是发生SGA的独立高危因素。结论 妊娠高血压、脐带异常及胎盘异常可增加SGA发生的危险性。
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陈 亚
王 剑
关键词 小于胎龄儿 妊娠期合并疾病 非条件Logistic回归    
AbstractObjective To explore the influence of pregnancy complicated with diseases on small for gestational age(SGA)status.Methods A total of 284 hospitalized SGA infants were included in the study as case group while another 2870 appropriate for gestational age(AGA) infants who were born in the same period were selected as control group. Unconditional logistic regression models were used to estimate odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals for the association of pregnancy complicated with diseases with SGA.Results Unconditional logistic regression showed that gestational hypertension(OR=5.04, 95%CI:3.35~7.60),umbilical cord abnormalities(OR=2.97, 95%CI:1.79~5.00) and placental abnormality(OR=2.99,1.46~6.14) were associated with an increased risk of SGA. Conclusion SGA may be associated with gestational hypertension, umbilical cord abnormalities and placental abnormality.
Key wordssmall for gestational age    pregnancy complicated with diseases    unconditional logistic regression
收稿日期: 2016-05-14      出版日期: 2017-01-05
陈 亚, 王 剑, 倪亚莉, 张春花, 王文第, 王燕侠. 妊娠期合并疾病与小于胎龄儿的相关性分析[J]. 解放军预防医学杂志, 2016, 34(6): 876-878.
CHEN Ya, WANG Jian, NI Yali, ZHANG Chunhua, WANG Wendi, WANG Yanxia. Correlation Between Pregnancy Complicated with Diseases and Small for Gestational Age Status. Journal of Preventive Medicine of Chinese People's Liberation Army, 2016, 34(6): 876-878.
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