Abstract:Objective To study the correlations between non-small cell lung cancer and life events, psychosocial stress factors such as emotional state in order to contribute to the prevention and treatment of non-small cell lung cancer.Methods On the basis of case - control study, forty-five pathologically diagnosed cases of non-small cell lung cancer were selected as the observation group while another forty-five cases of non-small cell lung cancer with benign conditions as were in the control group.Psychosocial stress questionnaires were used to collect information on their life events and emotional response.The levels of anxiety in each group were evaluated by the self-assessment lists of anxiety (SAS).Results Multiariable logistic regression analysis showed that economic plight(OR=3.143), worry about children's future(OR=7.721), depression(OR=6.122), and despair(OR=18.215) were risk factors for non-small cell lung cancer while a pleasant emotional state (OR=0.043) was a protective factor.Compared with the control group, the level of anxiety was quite high among patients of the observation group, and the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05).Conclusion Some negative life events and negative emotions are associated with the onset of non-small cell lung cancer.A good mood can reduce the risk of non-small cell lung cancer to some certain extent.
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