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CJAP ›› 2020, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (2): 161-164.doi: 10.12047/j.cjap.5909.2020.036

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Effects of swimming training on blood pressure and prethrombotic state molecules in hypertensive rats

DOU Li   

  1. Department of Physical Education, Nanjing Forestry University, Nanjing 210037, China
  • Online:2020-03-28 Published:2020-07-31

Abstract: Objective: To observe the effects of 10-week swimming training on blood pressure and prethrombotic state in spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR). Methods: Eighteen 10-week-old male SHR were randomly divided into control group (8 rats) and training group (10 rats). The SHR training group underwent weightless swimming training for 10 weeks, five times a week, 60 minutes a time, and blood pressure was measured every two weeks. The platelet aggregation rate, von willebrand factor(vWF), tissue plasminogen activator(t-PA), plasminogen activator inhibitor –1(PAI-1) in plasma were measured after 10 weeks of training. Results: Compared with the control group, blood pressure in SHR training group was decreased significantly(P<0. 05) after 4-week of swimming training, and blood pressure, platelet aggregation rate, plasma vWF level, PAI-1 activity were decreased significantly(P<0. 01), while plasma t-PA activity was increased significantly (P<0. 01) after 10-week of swimming training. Conclusion: Suitable swimming training will effectively reduce the blood pressure of SHR and has a significant effect if persisting in training for 4 weeks, and it also can improve pre-thrombotic state, prevent hypertensive thrombotic complications significantly in SHR.

Key words: spontaneous hypertension, swimming training, prethrombotic state molecules, blood pressure, spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR)

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